The PLDT Group sees the technology vastly improving processes and maximizing efficiency. “AI will accelerate the country’s digital transformation. The technology can automate a wide range of tasks, enhance productivity and even help in decision-making. But most importantly, AI can help improve governance,” said Angel Redoble, FVP and Chief Information Security Officer of PLDT and Smart.
Redoble says that with the technology’s capability to sift through vast data, AI can flag unusual patterns or anomalies that might suggest fraudulent activity. This is particularly helpful in the banking industry where AI can sound the alarm on unusual transactions or patterns that deviate from a customer’s typical behavior.
“Based on historical data, AI has the capability to predict where fraud or corruption is likely to occur. This allows the organization to put in place preventive measures to address potential vulnerabilities,” explained Redoble.
In public governance, Redoble believes that AI can be used to make public spending and government transactions more transparent by combing through data and presenting them in formats accessible to the public.
PLDT and Smart have employed AI and machine learning on their self-optimizing network, joining global operators in the rapid adoption of the technology. PLDT also recently became the first in the local telco industry to offer better customer care with a voice AI solution, expanding its existing suite of customer service channels.
While AI can vastly improve economies and businesses, Redoble warns that AI can also be used by criminal entities to cause disruptions. The system can be programmed to launch phishing attacks, crack passwords, evade detection and create deep fakes.
“In the end, what matters most is the person behind AI. Humans will always dictate whether AI will be our friend or foe. That’s why it’s important that the good guys learn more about this technology faster than the bad guys do,” added Redoble.
PLDT and Smart’s push for AI and other new technologies is anchored in the Group’s aspirations of elevating customer experience and enhancing operational excellence. It also underscores the Group’s support for the government’s nationwide digitalization efforts as one of the founding members of the Presidential Private Sector Advisory Council (PSAC) under the Digital Infrastructure Pillar.
This effort also highlights the Group’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), particularly on SDG No. 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.